
Thursday, October 20, 2011



SENATE. – Several petitions were presented for the emancipation of slaves.

Mr. Collamer, from the com. on Library, reported from the House a joint resolution appointing Theodore Woolsey, of Conn., regent of the Smithsonian Institute, in place of Prof. Felton.  Passed.

Mr. Nesmith offered a resolution asking the Secretary of War to furnish the Senate with a copy of the report of Brig. Gen. J. A. [sic] Mansfield, relative to the late engagement between the Monitor and Merrimac.  Adopted.

Mr. Latham introduced a bill to create a bureau of transportation.  Referred.

On motion of Mr. Chandler, the bill for appointment of light house inspectors was taken up.  The bill proposes to transfer the light houses to the revenue service, putting them under control of the Secretary of the Treasury.  After discussion, the bill was postponed.

Mr. Wade introduced a bill to provide a territorial government for Arizona.

Mr. Fessenden presented a joint resolution from the Legislature of Maine, in favor of extending pecuniary aid to the States for the emancipation of their slaves; also cordially approving of the President’s message, and declaring that Maine will cheerfully furnish her quota of the amount; also asking her Senators to vote for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.

The bill for the abolition of slavery in District of Columbia was taken up.

Mr. Sumner proceeded to speak in its favor, after which the bill was postponed till to-morrow.  Adjourned.

HOUSE. – The leather clause of the tax bill was amended as follows:  On patent or enameled leather .5 mills per square foot; on patent japanned splits, used for dasher leather, 4 mills per square foot; on patent or enameled skirting leather 1 1-2 cents per lb.; on all roll and rough or harness leather made from hides imported east of the Cape of Good Hope and all damaged leather 5 mills per lb.; on all sole or leather hemlock tanned 8 mills per lb.; on all sole or rough leather tanned in whole with oak 1 cent per lb.; on all finished or curried upper leather, except calfskins made from leather tanned in the interest of the parties finishing or currying such leather previously taxed in the rough, 1 cent per lb.; on harness leather, 1 1-2 cents per lb.; on offal leather, 5 mills per lb.; on tanned or oil dressed, 2 1-2 cents per lb.; on tanned calfskins, 6 cents each; on morocco goods, buck or sheepskins, curried, manufactured or finished, 4 per cent. ad valorem, provided that the price at which such skins are usually sold shall determine their value; on buckskins, tanned or dressed, $2 per doz.; on doeskins, tanned or dressed, $1 per dox; on deerskins, dressed and smoked, 6 cents per lb.; on horse and hogskins, tanned and dressed, 4 per cent. ad valorem; on American patent calfskins, 5 per cent. ad valorem; on patent or enameled cloth, 3 per cent. ad valorem.

The following amendments were also agreed to:

On wine made of grapes, 5 instead of 10 cents per gal.; on starch, 5 percent. ad valorem; on furs of all descriptions not otherwise provided for, 5 per cent. ad valorem.

The House passed the Senate bill removing the impost duties on arms imported by other states or contractors.

Mr. Dawes, from the committee on elections reported a resolution, which was adopted, declaring that S. F. Beach is not elected a member of the House from the 7th Congressional District of Va.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 1, 1862, p. 1

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