
Monday, November 21, 2011

The Citizens' Meeting To-night

The object for which the citizens of Davenport and vicinity are invited to assemble at Le Claire Hall this (Monday) evening, is one that should enlist the sympathies and receive the hearty co-operation of every man, woman and child who has a heart to feel for the suffering soldiers, or a hand  to relieve their distresses.  It is proposed to effect a permanent organization to care for the wounded, and return to our own soil the dead of such Iowa volunteers as have resided or enlisted from Scott county, and who may hereafter fall or be disabled in defence of the Union.  It is desired to place at the head of this organization men of ability and skill, who can safely be employed as the medium through which every patriotic citizen of Scott county may contribute his or her mite to aid the benevolent work; and thus to render it certain that none of our wounded shall suffer uncared for, nor any of our dead lie in unhonored graves.  The vast amount of good accomplished – the number of wounded kindly nursed, and the now-new made graves among kindred and friends, where rest the noble dead – attest the wisdom which prompted the appointment of suitable persons to care for the sufferers at Fort Donelson, and demonstrate the need of some systematic plan of action which shall perfom similar labor throughout the continuance of the war.  Scott county has at least six hundred men in the field ready to do and die for their country.  Our sons, our brothers, our fathers are there fighting for us.  Let us show that we are interested in their welfare, and are ready to do all in our power for them.  Let that interest be manifested to-night by a full attendance and a wise and efficient action.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 7, 1862, p. 1

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