
Monday, November 7, 2011

From Washington


Tribune’s Special.

A reporter sent to the other side of the Potomac, assured us this morning that secretary Stanton had issued an order forbidding newspaper correspondents, as well as all others not actually connected some way or other with the service from accompanying any of the corps de armes.  Very many correspondents are with the army, and it is understood that an order was dispatched yesterday that the whole of them be cleared out and sent back, under penalty of immediate arrest and confinement if they attempt to stay.

Blenker’s brigade has been assigned to Fremont’s command.  Carl Schurz is to have command of a division under Fremont.

Col. Van Allen resigned his command of the 3d N. Y. Cavalry yesterday.  Lieut. Col. Mix will succeed him.

Times’ Correspondence.

It is not yet positively determined who will succeed Carl Schurz as Minister to Spain.  No nomination will be made to the Senate by the President until Schurz is confirmed as Brigadier General.  Hon. Geo. Ashman, of Mass., is talked of for the place.

Major Donaldson, chief of the quartermaster department in New Mexico, arrived at Washington to-day.  He brings much important information in regard to the rebel raid into that Territory.  He says the rebels hold every position of value, except Forts Craig and Union.  The latter, which is the most important fort in the far West, containing millions of dollars worth of government stores, is now safe beyond peradventure, and garrisoned by fifteen hundred soldiers.  It has water within the fortifications, and provisions for an almost unlimited siege.  It will be the rallying point for the ample Union forces now marching to expel the invaders.  Major D. relates many incidents of the late battle near Fort Craig, and says that Major Lockridge, of the Nicaragua filibusters, fell dead at the head of the Texas Rangers in the terrible charge on McRae’s battery.

Secretary Stanton will probably proceed to Fort Monroe to-morrow, to give matters there his personal attention.


It is now conceded among the rebels that the Virginia troops are equal, if not superior, to any in the army, notwithstanding the brag of the South Carolina chivalry. -  It is charged upon them that they were the first to break ranks and run at the battle of Bull Run.  A large number of desertions from the North Carolina and Georgia regiments are reported to have taken place lately.  The time of the London troops expires on April 23d.

The teamer King Phillip arrive from the lower river last night, bringing up four refugees from Richmond and Westmoreland county, Va., who came off from Kinsale on Saturday last.  They state that the rebels are pressing every man between the ages of 18 and 48 into the service, and they have been closely hunted by the press-gangs for a week or two.  The rebels had nearly all  left the neighborhood of London, but a few squads of their cavalry roamed through the country, pressing into service all able to bear arms.  The refugees also say that late secession papers state the Federal loss in the conflict with the Merrimac was fifteen hundred men.  Also, that the shots of the Monitor had no more effect on the sides of the Merrimac than hailstones.

Our loss in the engagement on Saturday and Sunday, March 22d and 23d, was 86 killed and 424 wounded; fifty have since died.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 4, 1862, p. 1

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