
Friday, November 4, 2011

Iowa Items

W. W. Fedridge and Donaldson, members of the Dacota [sic] territorial legislature, arrived at Sioux on the 18th ult., having come from the Red River of the North.  They live five hundred miles from St. Paul, four hundred of which they traveled through the snow with dogs.  Thence they went by way of Chicago to Sioux City.

The people of Monona county have voted down the contract entered into by their Board of Supervisors, disposing their swamp lands to the American Emigrant Company.

A correspondent of the Tipton Advertiser is informed that several organizations are being formed in Cedar, Linn, and Jones counties, for the purpose of resisting the collection of the Federal tax.  They are said to contain three hundred members.

Capt. Stratton’s company from Fort Dodge have recently been stationed at Newport News.  They will have an opportunity to see the next naval engagement, if it ever comes off, between the Monitor and the Merrimac.

The shipment of wheat from McGregor for the past year over one road, amounted to 1,274,748 bushels!  This does not include the shipments by river and the La Crosse road.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 3, 1862, p. 2

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