
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Iowa Items

The U. S. District Court is now in session at Keokuk.  Several important cases are pending, involving the validity of the county bonds issued to railroads.

A three story brick building in Keokuk fell last Saturday.  It was a very rotten affair, and the walls neither fell in nor out, but ‘squashed’ right down.  No one was hurt but two or three, as usual, had narrow escapes.

The commanding officers of the 17th regiment, at Keokuk, have issued an order forbidding the soldiers of the regiment from using intoxicating liquors, or frequenting places where they are kept.  The citizens are also appealed to not to dispose of liquor to any of the soldiers, and should this appeal be disregarded, the full rigor of civil and military law will be visited on the offenders.  That’s the right way to talk it.

An insane woman attempted to commit Suicide at Muscatine, on Tuesday, by trying to jump into the river.  She was prevented, however, from doing so, and was secured till the arrival of a boat, which took her down the river..  She was from Iowa City.

The amount appropriated for mileage of members of the General Assembly for the present year, is $6,779.

The Cedar Falls Gazette, of the 28th ult., says that town received its eastern mail one day last week by an ox team.  The Gazette declares it a great improvement over the iron horse accommodations they have had for some time past.

The Ottumwa Courier mentions a report that a resident of Wapello county has been active in transmitting powder from Iowa to Missouri rebels.  The Courier states that the secession scamp is still living in Wapello.

The race bridge at Cedar Falls was swept away by the freshet last Sunday night. – the cars have to stop a mile this side of the village, owing to the tressel work being washed away. – Dubuque Herald.

DROWNED. – We learn that two young men, brothers were drowned last Friday night, two miles above Manchester.  They were in a wagon, and in driving over a bridge across a swollen stream went too near the edge and met a watery grave. – Dubuque Herald.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 4, 1862, p. 2

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