
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Local Matters

A BUSINESS MAN has a business-like advertisement for a house in to-days paper.  Turn to it, you who have the article on your hands, and see if you can’t strike a trade.

ALDERMAN OF THE SECOND WARD. -  At the “Independent” meeting in the Second Ward, last evening, Mr. L. Steinberg acted as President, and Mr. Otto Smith as Secretary.  Bliek Peters was unanimously nominated for Alderman.

WANTED – By a gentleman and his wife, a bed-room and sitting room, furnished and board in a small, quiet family – one where there are no other boarders preferred.  Address box 429, post-office, giving name and residence.

SECOND WARD COMMITTEE. – There was an error in the names of the Second Ward Republican Committee, as mentioned in the report of the meeting in that ward.  The names are H. H. Andresen, Hans Boerm and Wulf Luett.

BUNSIDE, Oxford, McClellan and Opera hats, just received at Farrand’s.  All the leading styles of Gents’ hats and caps can be found in great variety, at Ferrand’s, corner of 2d and Main streets, opposite the LeClaire House.

A NEW CONCERN. – Our young friend, Rufus Blair, has gone into partnership with L. Weaver, in the store next the Hawkeye.  They are getting in a stock of fruit and confectionery, and will keep a supply of flour on hand.  Success to them.

WADSWORTH’S is now in the Eastern market purchasing a splendid assortment of spring goods, and he has sent on, per express, raglans, stella shawls and dress goods, which you can see by calling at his store, No. 20 West 2d. st.

CLOSED OUT. – Messrs. H. Dart, Sons & Co. announce this morning the dissolution of their firm, lately in the grocery business on Front street.  Their stock has been mostly taken over to their store in Rock Island. – Messrs. Mayer & Walsh, the successors of Brewster & De Witt, have taken the late store of the Messrs. Dart.

ANOTHER STEAMBOAT ACCIDENT. – As the steamboat Northerner was coming through the drawbridge on Galena river, on Wednesday, she struck the draw on her port wheelhouse, making a ragged hole of about twenty square feet.  Her wheel was not injured.  She escaped further damage and came on down.  She arrived here yesterday morning.

ROCK ISLAND TOWNSHIP. – At the election in Rock Island, last Tuesday, B. H. Kimball was chosen Supervisor, Jacob Brysinger, Assistant Supervisor, E. W. Swano, Clerk, J. R. Johnston, Assessor, George W. Copp, Collector, Wm. Shearer, Overseer, and Wm. Kale, Constable.  The successful persons are all Democrats, though the Argus says they were elected by men of all parties, promiscuously 669 votes were polled.

LAND SLIDE ON THE M. & M. RR. – A land slide occurred on the railroad, at a deep cut near Oxford, twelve and a half miles beyond Iowa City, yesterday.  The track is covered some hundred yards with mud to the depth of two feet.  No train could get through yesterday, consequently, the trains exchanged passengers and mails at the slide, and each returned to the terminus it started from.  Men are at work clearing the track, but make slow progress as the mud runs on nearly as fast as it is shoveled off.

FIRST WARD MEETING. – At the first ward Republican meeting last night, Mr. George G. Arndt presided, and Mr. Charles R. Homes was Secretary.

On the first ballot for Alderman, the vote stood, B. Glaspell, 10; P. Muelhoefer, 9; Samuel Hirschl, 5.

The second ballot stood, Muelhoefer, 21; Glaspell, 7; Hirschl, 4.  Mr. Muelhoefer’s nomination was made unanimous.

Henry J. Abel, J. H. Johnson and John Curryman were appointed on the Ward Committee, Charles R. Homes Secretary of the Ward.

THE ANCIENT TIMES. – The local of the Muscatine Journal has been rummaging among the musty records of the early days in that town, and has come across comes rare bits of judicial eccentricity.  One old fellow, who was formerly in the squirearchy there, had before him, one time a man charged with stealing a watch.  Some witnesses swore they saw him take it, while others swore he was fifty miles away at the time.  The justice was in a great strait to know what to do, but eventually said that according to the evidence for the prosecution, he should be obliged to fine the accused five dollars, but as the defence had established an alibi, and he could not make an innocent man suffer, he would pay the fine himself, which he did, remarking that it was ‘the most extraordinary case that had ever come to his knowledge.”  At another time the same Squire went on a big spree with a number of friends, and when it was over he fined each of his companions five dollars, and concluded by ordering his own arrest, pleading guilty, and serving himself in the same way as he had the others.  And so the record shows to this day.

CHILD MURDERED. – Coroner Tomson held an inquest yesterday afternoon on the dead body of a female child, which was found in the lumber-yard of Alling and Williams yesterday morning.  When discovered, the body was wrapped in some rags, which were drawn around the face and head, thus producing strangulation.  The child had probably been born not more than twelve hours.  The jury found a verdict of death by strangulation. – No clue has been found to the parentage of the child.

KEHOE & CARHART have now on hand a full assortment of spring goods, which will be sold at prices to suit the times.  They will open early next week the latest styles of Spring Cloaks and Sacques; also a large lot of the “Imperial” and other styles of hoopskirts.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 4, 1862, p. 1

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