
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Local Matters

RELIEF. – The sum of forty dollars was collected in the Rock Island Catholic Church a few days ago, for the relief of the suffering poor of Ireland.

FIRST WARD COMMITTEE. – The committee of the first ward consists of H. Abel, J. R. Johnson and John Curran.  There were some inaccuracies in the names as first published, and the above are correct.

WANTED. – By a gentleman and his wife, a bed-room and a sitting room, furnished, and board in a small, quiet family – one where there are no other boarders preferred.  Address box 429, post-office, giving name and residence.

P. L. CABLE, of Rock Island, the well known coal merchant, has purchased the spacious and elegant residence of Mrs. Lemuel Andrews, which stands near the river in the upper part of that city.  It is the most costly house in Rock Island.  The grounds include seven acres.  The Argus says that Mr. Cable paid for it all in gold, but does not mention the price.

THE STORM which passed by here Friday morning amounted to a whirlwind at Muscatine.  The Journal says it passed over that city with a tremendous roar, but the main part of the wind was too high to effect much damage.  Had it swept along the ground, a second Comanche destruction would have taken place.  The roof of the house of Cyrus Hawley was carried two hundred yards.  A number of other houses were unroofed, and chimneys, fences, outhouses, &c., were blown away.  The gusts which did the damage lasted scarcely a minute, and appeared to drop down from the clouds in spots and to rise again as suddenly as they fell.

PERSONAL. – We regret to learn that Mr. J. B. Caldwell received a telegram on Thursday evening announcing the death of his father in Woodbury, New Jersey.  Mr. C. started East Friday morning, accompanied by his wife.  Mr. Caldwell, the elder was personally known to many of our citizens, having more than once visited Davenport, and spent considerable time here.  He was much respected in the community where he lived.  For several years he was a member of the New Jersey Legislature, was at one time Sheriff of the county of Gloucester, and through the whole period of his active life was the worthy recipient of public favor.  He was the lineal descendant of the Rev. James. Caldwell, of Revolutionary memory, who was basely shot by a British sentinel at Elizabethtown Point.

ANOTHER NEW GROCERY. – Mr. J. Carman has opened out a new and well assorted stock of family groceries in the store-room second door west of Rock Island on Fourth street.  Those who reside in that neighborhood will be glad to know that such an institution, presided over by one so well qualified as is Mr. Carman, has been established among them.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 7, 1862, p. 1

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