
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Relief Fund Meeting

In accordance with a call of their Finance Committee, a number of the donors of the relief fund had a stormy meeting at the Le Claire House last evening, for the purpose of hearing the final report of that committee. – Mr. P. J. Gillett was chosen chairman, and D. N. Richardson and Wm. H. Fleming, secretaries.

The Finance Committee presented their report, most of which has been already published.  (The report proper will be published to-morrow.)

Mr. Hubbell, in a speech of some length, attacked the report with great severity, and it was defended by Messrs. Campbell and Lowry, followed by a running debate of a decidedly lively character.

Mr. Campbell made a motion that the balance reported in the committee’s hands be deposited with Mr. Woodward, cashier of the State Bank.  Mr. Hubbell offered an amendment that Judge Linderman be refunded the difference between his disbursements and his receipts, as shown by his reports.  This was carried, and then the original motion, as amended was carried.  Dr. McCarn’s report was then adopted by the meeting.  Messrs. Lowry, Campbell, Burris, and Hirschl then presented their resignations as members of the finance committee, which however, were not accepted.  The meeting then adjourned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 3, 1862, p. 1

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