
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another Relief Meeting

A large number of citizens assembled at Le Claire Hall, on short notice, last evening for the purpose of taking measures for the prompt relief of the wounded.

Mr. Price, chairman of the Relief Association, called the meeting to order, and in the temporary absence of Mr. Claussen, Mr. D. N. Richardson was appointed secretary.

Mr. Price made a few remarks, explanatory of his speech the other night, in which he emphatically reaffirmed the sentiments of that speech.

Mr. McCosh, from the finance committee for the 5th ward, said that he would report to the treasurer to-morrow morning before the departure of the cars.  Mr. Barkley, acting for the 4th ward, reported that he had succeeded in collecting the sum of $61.75.

Rev. Mr. Kynett and Judge Dillon made short and eloquent speeches, urging prompt and liberal contributions for the aid of the sufferers from the late battle.

The finance committee went through the audience, and collected their contributions.  The whole amount collected, including the sums previously obtained, is about $250.

The following communication was read by the President, and ordered printed with the proceedings:

DAVENPORT, IOWA, April 9, 1862.

HIRAM PRICE, Esq., President of the Scott County Aid Society, Davenport –

Sir:  You are hereby notified that the German Ladies’ Aid Society of Davenport are now prepared to deliver to your Society, at a moment’s notice, 256 bandages, 2 packages of linen rags, 7 packages lint (large size,) and 2 packages lint (short size.)  All of which is now packed in a knapsack at the office of Der Demokrat, subject to your order.

Most respectfully,

Executive Committee.

Any further orders for similar articles will be cheerfully complied with.


The meeting then adjourned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 10, 1862, p. 1

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