
Friday, December 23, 2011

CAIRO, April 8 [1862].

Special to Chicago Times.

At 9 o’clock last night a boat came to the flag ship with a messenger carrying a letter from the commanding officer at Island No. 10 to flag officer Foote, proposing capitulation for the surrender of the Island.  Flagg officer Foote replied, that he would accept no terms other than unconditional surrender.

At 1 o’clock this A. M. the enemy surrendered unconditionally to Com. Foote. – Several transports and, it is thought, one or two gun boats, the celebrated floating battery, cannon, ammunition and stores have thus fallen into our hands.

Too much praise cannot be awarded to flag-officer Foote and the gallant officers under his command, for this brilliant achievement in capturing the Gibraltar of the Mississippi river without the loss of a single life.  We have no information at this time as to details, but it is supposed that most of the rebel troops on the Tennessee shore have effected their escape.

It is supposed that they commenced leaving soon after the Carondelet succeeded in turning their batteries, as that destroyed all hope of their maintaining their position in the fleet.

Capt. Pennock, who has achieved wonders in fitting gout and repairing gunboats, transports and furnishing supplies to the fleet, has reason to believe that our mortars did terrible execution among the rebels.  It is reported that Gen. Pope had 18,000 troops across the river from New Madrid last night, ready to march and bag the enemy, but it is believed he was too late.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 10, 1862, p. 2

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