
Monday, December 5, 2011

A Permanent Relief Organization

The meeting called for last evening for the purpose of taking measures for a permanent organization for the relief of wounded soldiers and the return of the dead was, owing to the weather, not very numerously attended, but those there were of those who take a deep interest in whatever concerns the welfare of our friends and neighbors now in the armies of the republic.

Mr. John L. Davies called the meeting to order and nominated Mr. John W. Thompson for chairman, who was accordingly chosen.

On Motion of Mr. Russell, Messrs. D. N. Richardson and Wm. H. Fleming were chosen secretaries.

On Motion of Mr. Russell; a committee of five was appointed to draft a plan for a permanent organization.  Adopted.  E. Russell, Dr. Maxwell, John Collins, J. J. Olshausen, John L. Davies were appointed such committee.

The chairman stated the objects of the meeting.

Mr. Price, being called up, made a very happy speech, in the course of which he expressed his opinion that there wasn’t a disloyal man in Scott county.  But the plan proposed for relieving our wounded would test the loyalty, and he who was not willing to contribute something of his substance, if able to do so, might be set down as disloyal.

The committee on organization reported the constitution.

Dr. Langer offered an amendment providing that each contributor might designate whether his contribution should go for the relief of the wounded or the care of the dead, which after discussion, was adopted.

The report of the committee, as amended, was adopted.

Messrs. Burwell, Langer, and Todd were appointed a committee to obtain contributions to the funds.  They succeeded in obtaining subscriptions to the amount of $102.

Messrs. John Collins, M. Donahue, Ira M. Gifford, S. F. Smith, and Christian Kauffman were appointed a committee to nominate officers.  They subsequently reported the following:

President, Hiram Price.  Vice President, John Collins.  Recording Secretary, Ernst Claussen.  Corresponding Secretary, Edward Russell.  Treasurer, John L. Davies.

Executive committee, D. N. Richardson, John W. Thompson, Harvey Hills, Ira M. Gifford, Charles C. Putnam, B. H. Lahrmann, J. C. Todd, J. J. Olshausen, Israel Hall, Victor Huot, George S. C. Dow, and M. Donahue.

The meeting then adjourned till the first Monday in May.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 8, 1862, p. 1

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