
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Siege at Island No. 10

The long drawn siege of Island No. 10 is still maintained.  Since the 15th of March the Federal forces have stood off at respectful distance and bombarded the enemy.  No progress is made, on the contrary the rebels seem to be better fortified than ever.  Whether the federal forces are in earnest and it is their intention to take it, or that they are merely holding them in check with some ulterior design in view, remains to be seen.  It is true that while much ammunition and time are consumed in the siege, very little loss of life is sustained, and every one will admit that it is better to prolong the siege if life can be saved by so doing.  We trust that when the island is taken, as it must be eventually, that every rebel on it or the main shore will at the same time be taken prisoner.

Since the above was put in type the telegraph informs us that Island No. 10 has succumbed to its inevitable destiny and struck its rebel flag to the Federal forces.  Full particulars had not been received at the time of writing.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 9, 1862, p. 2

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