
Sunday, December 18, 2011

ST. LOUIS, April 8 [1862].

In response to a serenade to-night. Gen. Halleck said: Beauregard with an immense army advanced from Corinth and attacked the combined forces of Grant and Buell.  The battle began at daybreak yesterday and continued till late in the afternoon, with terrible loss on both sides.  We have gained complete victory and driven the enemy back within his fortifications.  He also announced his departure for the field tomorrow morning.

The wooden-ware factory of Tamm & Meyer burned last night.  Loss, $50,000; insured $15,000.

The distillery of Wonderly, Haydel & Co., Collinsville, Ill., with five hundred barrels of whisky, burned Monday morning.  Loss on the building and machinery $35,000; no insurance.

Official advices from Gen. Grant’s command say the enemy attacked our forces at Pittsburg, Tenn., yesterday, but were repulsed with heavy loss.  No particulars.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 10, 1862, p. 1

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