
Thursday, December 1, 2011

XXXVIIth Congress -- First Session


HOUSE. – Mr. Wickliffe hoped that no member would be appointed on the committee to organized the so-called Confederate States into territorial governments, who voted in favor of the resolution that neither the Federal Government, nor the people of any non-slaveholding State, have the constitutional power to legislate or interfere with slavery in any State of the Union; and stated that the number of persons who do not subscribe to the above proposition are to insignificant to excite alarm.

Mr. Vorhees read a preamble, setting forth that the tariff bill passed during the extra session of congress is unjust and oppressive to the agricultural portion of the country, and concluding with a resolution that the committee on ways and means be instructed to report a bill repealing said law, and substitution therefore a bill founded on the principle of yielding an adequate revenue, and not of protecting any of the manufacturing interests of the country.

Mr. Stevens moved to lay the preamble and resolution on the table.  Carried by 88 to 65.

The House then proceeded to act definitely on the amendment of the tax bill heretofore reported from the committee of the whole.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 8, 1862, p. 1

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