
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The defendants in the case of the State vs. Wilhelm & Ramge, charged with offering unwholesome meat for sale, were again brought to trial yesterday, before Justice Marble – the jury in the former trial having failed to agree.  Without giving, in detail, the testimony elicited at the trial, it would be sufficient to say that the defendants were honorably acquitted of the charge preferred against them. – The evidence went to show that the so called founder in cattle does not exist, in fact, although the term is generally used.  There was nothing the matter with the animal slaughtered, calculated to produce fever or render the meat unwholesome, but that sore-footedness and disinclination on the part of the animal to walk upon the injured feet caused it to lie down and remain in that position.  Examination of the meat revealed no evidences of disease, but on the contrary, showed a healthy state of the animal at the time of its slaughter.  With these facts before them, the jury agreed at once to acquit the parties.

There have been instances where diseased animals have been killed and the meat exposed for sale, which have been passed without comment, and it behooves the proper officers to take all due precautions to prevent the sale of such meat and award full punishment to the offenders.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 2

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