
Friday, January 6, 2012

BALTIMORE, April 9 [1862].

A letter to the N. Y. Herald says the accounts of the progress of affairs at Yorktown which have reached this city through channels believed to be reliable, differ materially from the accounts furnished by the government.  It was known at Richmond when a portion of the Union army of the Potomac moved from Manassas to Washington.  It was known there when the corps de armie landed and were assembled at Fortress Monroe.  It was known there when Gen. McClellan and staff arrived at the Fort, and it was known there when the march on Yorktown commenced and the number of troops Gen. McClellan had wherewith to make the attack.  These facts convinced the Confederate government at Richmond that their hour was come unless they took instant measures to arrest the march of Gen. McClellan.  The fortifications of Yorktown were all that could be desired, both as to strength and armament, but Gen. Magruder had as yet only thirty-five thousand troops.  The withdrawal of such a large number of Union troops from Manassas rendered it necessary to keep the main body of the army of the Rappahannock along that stream, and from that army accordingly, Gen. Magruder has been largely reinforced.

Troops have been arriving at Yorktown and Gordonsville every day for the last week.

It is believed that Gen. Johnston and Jeff. Davis are both at Yorktown, and that Gen. Johnston is in command.  The number of rebel troops there cannot be less than 100,000.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 12, 1862, p. 1

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