
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Further Particulars of the Fight

CAIRO, April 10.

A man who arrived here to-day says the enemy adopted a course to surprise our forces at Pittsburg.  In making the first attack their head columns not only carried the stars and stripes, but wore the uniform of the Federal officers.

Gen. Albert. S. Johnson [sic] is certainly killed.  Persons are here who sow his body and who heard the fact communicated throughout the camp.

Gen. Bragg is reported killed, and John C. Brekenridge [sic] a prisoner, but unreliably.

Gov. Johnson, of Kentucky, is mortally wounded and a prisoner.  It is also reported that Gen. Prentiss, who was taken prisoner, escaped in the confusion of retreat the next day.

Our total loss in killed, wounded and missing is about seven thousand.  This is the estimate of military commanders who were in the engagement.  Of these about 2,000 were taken prisoners; balance killed and wounded in usual proportion.

Gen. Wallace was reported killed.  It was deemed impossible for him to live but a few moments at the close of the fight; but he was not only living Wednesday, but improving rapidly.

Gen. Halleck passed Cairo on his way to Pittsburg at 10 o’clock this morning.

Near five thousand prisoners are expected up from Island No. 10 to-night.  Of these fifteen hundred will go to Chicago, one thousand to Springfield, and the balance to Wisconsin and Columbus, except twenty-five or thirty officers, who go to Fort Warren.

No lists of killed or wounded of any regiment or company have been received here yet.  Every preparation possible is being made for the reception and care of our wounded, at this point.  The following is a list of killed and wounded officers so far as known:

Killed – Col. Cleyum, acting Brig. Gen.; Col. Ellis, 10th Ill.; Lieut. Col. Kyle, 31st Ind.; Col. Davis, 46th Ill.

Wounded and since dead – Capt. Carson, Gen. Grant’s scout; Capt. Preston Morton, Capt. Dillon, 18th Ill.; Capt. Mace 5th Ill.; Capt. Carter, 11th Ill.; Maj. Page, 57th Ill.

Wounded – Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, dangerously; Gen. W. T. Sherman, slightly; Col. Sweeney, Acting Brigadier, seriously; Col. Dave Stewart, acting Brigadier, dangerously; Col. Charles C. Raft, 31st Ill., Acting Brigadier General; Col. Isham W. Hayee, 48th Ill.; Col. Henry, 17th Ky.; Lieut. Col. Morgan, 25th Ind.; Col. Mason, 71st Ohio; Maj. Eaton, 18th Ill., acting Colonel, fatally; Maj. Nevins, 11th Ill.; Col. John Logan, 32d Illinois, seriously.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 12, 1862, p. 2

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