
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Government Debt And Expenditures

Numerous exaggerated statements have been published in reference to the current expenses of the government.  They were reiterated yesterday by Mr. Voorhees, in his violent speech against the administration, placing the present expenditures at three million of dollars per day, and the present debt one thousand five hundred millions, with twelve millions more to be added for the emancipation of slaves.  This astounding announcement occasioned several calls upon the Secretary of the Treasury for accurate information on the subject.

An examination of the Register’s accounts shows that our expenditures, from the 1st of April 1861, to April 1, 1862, do not average more than one million dollars per day, and that the total expenditures for the fiscal year will not exceed the estimate made in the able report of the Secretary of the Treasury. – There is reason to believe that the actual figures will not vary ten millions from the estimate. –{N. Y. Herald.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 1

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