
Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Legislature

Hon. James T. Lane, who arrived on Thursday evening, informs us that the Legislature adjourned at 5 1-2 o’clock Tuesday morning.  The House was ready to adjourn on Monday evening at 11 o’clock.  There was less business crowded into the last day of the session than perhaps ever before in an Iowa Legislature.  The county court bill about which so much time was spent during the session, was finally killed.  The income tax bill was also slaughtered, and in lieu thereof an act was passed reducing the salary of Governor from $2,000 per annum to, we believe, $1,200; Supreme Judges from $2,000 to $1,600; District Judges from $1,600 to $1,200; and State officers were also reduced to $1,200.  Under the Constitution the Legislature has no power to reduce the compensation of some of the above during their term; and by some the bill as passed is supposed to conflict with the Constitution; hence some of the members doubt whether it will be approved by the Executive.  A bill was also passed changing the time of holding court in this country from June to May and from December to November, but it will not go into effect till July next.

Mr. Stanton’s railroad bill went through, though much amended.  It imposes a tax of 1 per cent. on the gross earnings of railroads, one-half to go to the state, the other to be divided among the counties on the route.

Mr. Lane’s militia bill was passed, with those portions struck out relative to imposing a tax and raising a military fund; the division and brigade districts were also left out.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 12, 1862, p. 1

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