
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Capture of a Steamer

CAPE GIRARDEAU, May 24 – Dispatches from Colonel Daniels of the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, dated Camp George, [Dunklin] county, only contain accounts of the capture of the steamer Dan E. Miller on the St. Ann river, laden with stores and provisions and a company of troops for Memphis.  The colonel captured the pickets on the boat, and came upon the boat itself before it was out of rifle distance.  In return to command to-day to, the enemy sent a volley of musketry.  Col. Daniels then brought to bear upon them a brass 6 pounder, which after sending a shot through her stern and anther through her wheal house, killing Lieut. Col. Lewis and one private and wounding three others the steamer surrendered.  About 60 prisoners were taken among whom was one Colonel.  None of the Federals hurt.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 4

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