
Monday, February 13, 2012

From Arkansas

In Camp on Sorry Creek, near Batesville, Ark., May 21st – Quite a spirited skirmish took place on the 19th near Pearcy, on the Red River, between about 250 men of Gen. Osterhause’s division and some 600 rebels under Col. Coleman and Hicks, and in which the latter were routed with a loss of 18 left on the field and quite a number wounded.  Our loss was 15 killed, 35 wounded.  The rebels have burned all the bridges across the Bayou Des Cipress.  Ten thousand bales of cotton have been consumed on the Arkansas River by order of General Beauregard.

Brigadier General Ryan, who is in command of the forces of this State, has three regiments of Texans at Little Rock and the Arkansas militia is said to be gathered at some point in considerable numbers.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 4

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