
Sunday, February 5, 2012

From Gen. Halleck – Southern News

BEFORE CORINTH, May 27 – Gen. Halleck has issued an order prohibiting skirmishing.  Pickets on each side are friendly and within conversing distance, with they improve.  Last night five rebels, including one sergeant came over to our lines.

Our Forces are within two miles of the rebel works and in some places are heavy guns are within battering distance, but the dense woodlands intervening prevent either party from opening the fire.

Camp rumors say Vicksburg has surrendered and our fleet is en route for Memphis.

The reporter of the Associate Press at Halleck’s headquarters says the Corinthian news telegraphed from Chicago derived via Cairo for some time past is utterly without foundation.

No engagement of the least consequence has occurred in Corinth or vicinity up to 11 o’clock last evening.

The Savannah News of the 17th says two Yankee steamers opened fire on Darien on Friday.  No Damage.

The Mobile Register says all is quiet at the fort.  It publishes a correspondence in relation to the demanded surrender of Vicksburg.

The Vicksburg Citizen of the 20th says some Federals landed as Warrenton and had a few skirmishes.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 3

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