
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Indiana Bonds --- Fortress Monroe News

NEW YORK, May 29 – The Committee of the Board of Brokers report the over issue of Indiana State Stock at over a million and a half.

A Fortress Monroe letter states that a bark has been lying near there some weeks and put to see with 272 contrabands aboard for Cuba and the West Indies.  The negroes have been smuggled aboard.  The steam gun boat, Warrenton has gone in pursuit.

The Newbern Progress states that a convention at Raleigh voted down 51 to 31 the infamous measure offered by Kennet Raynor punishing severely any one presuming to council, aid or abet in any proposition to reinstate the North State in the Union.  One of the number made a strong speech in favor of free labor, and the policy of encouraging emigration of agriculturists by giving farms to actual settlers.

The Union members of the convention agitate seriously the urging of the Federal Government to confiscate the estates of rebels and sending a committee to Washington, therefore the committee passed an ordinance directing the Governor to discharge all volunteers over 35 years of age.

The Raleigh Standard and Jonesboro Patriot advert to the election of Wm A Graham for Governor.

A company of Union Home Guards have been formed at Big River and have enlisted.

A private letter received here by an officer of Gen. McClellan’s staff dated Headquarters Monday, says that Col. Rush is wounded.

Mrs. Lee and her two daughters form New Church to-day, were sent to White House under guard.  Mrs. Lee expressed great surprise that our army should have got so far to the north of Richmond.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 3

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