
Monday, February 6, 2012

Later from Corinth – The Fraudulent Indiana Bonds

CINCINNATI, May 28 – A special to the Gazette from Indianapolis, says an officer who left [Corinth] on Monday morning, reports our army [has] moved up to within three fourths of a mile of the enemy’s fortifications.

Gen. Halleck says his position will not warrant risking anything – hence he is moving by regular approaches and fortifying as he goes.

It was expected that our forces would open fire on the enemy Thursday.

Gen. Lovell is reports as having arrived at Corinth Sunday night with 10,000 raw troops.

Deserters say that the army has more confidence in Bragg and Price than Beauregard.

The Rebel army is on half rations.  They get fresh beef twice a week and spoiled corn beef the balance of the time – no port.

The sickness in the Rebel army is fearful and increasing, while ours is rapidly improving.

The Rebel officers have sent all their baggage and personal effects to Grand Junction.

D. O. Slover the stock swindler, leaves Indianapolis to-day, with a guard, for New York.  He is not very communicative.  He says he used all the blanks he had and cannot tell without examining his books how much spurious stock has been issued.

A number of companies of the Indiana Legion were arriving at Indianapolis to guard prisoners.

The 60 Indiana Regiment, Col. Owen, is under marching orders.

The 12th and 16th Indiana Regiments will reorganize immediately.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 3

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