
Friday, February 17, 2012

Special to New York Papers

NEW YORK, May 27 – The Herald’s correspondent reports that the 4th Michigan regiment in the recent skirmish on the Chickahominy fought and routed an entire rebel brigade.

Petersburg papers report that on the 19th, 183 of the Monitor’s crew went ashore at City Point, and were surprised by the rebels, nine were made prisoners, the balance reached their boat and pulled for the vessel.  They were shot at and eight killed.

The Virginia Legislature has appropriated $200,000 to remove the women, children and decrepid persons from Richmond to a place of safety.

The rebel army was encamped within a few miles of Richmond.

Rebel accounts state that the Mayor of Vicksburg replied to the summons of our gunboats, that the Mississippians never surrendered.

Martial [law] is in force in Charleston.  The papers and the citizens are fearful of the surrender of the city.

{Tribune’s Dispatch.}

ARMY IN THE FIELD, NEAR FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA, Monday May 26 – Further accounts are received of Col. Crook’s brilliant victory at Lewisburg, Greenbriar county.  On the 23d Gen. Heath [sic] attacked Col. Crook with 3,000 infantry and cavalry and six cannon.  After a spirited fight of an hour the rebels fled in confusion.  Their flight soon became a rout.  Col. Crook captured four rifled cannon – on so near his position that it was loaded with canister.

The rebels in the early part of the fight carried off their killed and wounded but left on the field thirty eight dead including several officers, and sixty six wounded.  One hundred prisoners were captured – among them Lieut. Co. Finney, Jam. Edgar, and other officers.  Three hundred stand of arms were taken.

The enemy to secure their retreat, burned Greenbriar bridge, beyond which they could not be pursued.

Crook’s victory was only won by hard fighting against greatly superior forces.

We lost 14 killed, 60 wounded and 5 pickets captured.  Some of our wounded were shot in the streets of Lewisburg as they were returning to the hospital by the citizens of the town.

BOTTOM BRIDGE, May 23 – Intelligent slaves in General Kiney’s camp this morning say that yesterday noon, when they left Richmond, the rebel army was moving out of the city and northward to the Fair Ground.  Those who know the position say that it is about two miles out on a high commanding plateau.  We understand that this position is being fortified and that the enemy intends to give us battle there.

{Special to Evening Post.}

Gen. Sigel arrived here to-day and called upon the President.  He met with a warm reception.  It has been suggested that a command will be given him with Gen. McDowell.  It is believed that his enterprise, skill and dash will greatly aid in getting that command to Richmond or in retrieving the ground in case any part of our forces should meet with a check.

The House Military Committee to-morrow takes up the subject of the enlargement of the Erie canal.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 4

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