
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Candid Rebel Confession

No journal was more disdainfully fierce against the North a year ago, and until within a few weeks past than the Charleston Courier.  It has now changed its tune.  The victories at Fort Henry and Roanoke inspired the following comment in its issue of the 15th inst.  Our readers can imagine that the subsequent surrender of Fort Donelson did not make it any happier.  It says:

We have sustained heavy loss in munitions of war our country has been deprived of the service of several thousands of her best disciplined and bravest soldiers, and parents and wives weep in the bitterness of grief over those who will never again bless them with their smiles. – The enemy pushes on, flushed with victory, to win more triumphs, and to cause other hearts to bleed.  We feel these reverses.  We acknowledge them openly.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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