
Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Great Battle – Many Wounded

CIRCULAR. – (No. 3)

From the Iowa Army Sanitary Commission to the
several Soldier’s Aid Societies in the State.

The recent great battle at Fort Donelson has greatly increased the demand for hospital supplies.  Others will soon follow.  We therefore earnestly solicit all the Aid Societies in the State to collect and forward to our Agents (see Circular No. 2,) with the least possible delay, such articles as are most needed for sick and wounded soldiers – especially lint, old linen, bandages (two and three inches wide, seven yards long, without seam or hem,) – shirts, drawers, bedgowns, sheets, delicacies, &c. &c.

Immediate and energetic action may be of great service to our brave soldiers who have been wounded while gallantly defending the flag of our country.

J. C. HUGHES, Pres’t
G. F. MAGOUN, Sec’y

Cor. Sec. & Gen Agt. Iowa A. S. Com.

Davenport, Iowa, Feb. 19, 1862

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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