
Monday, March 5, 2012

Iowa Legislature

(Special to Burlington Hawk-Eye)

DES MOINES, Feb. 19, 1862.

The following communication was received from Adjutant General Reed [sic], and read in the House with great cheering:


Hon. C. C. CLARK, Speaker, SIR:  I have just received the following dispatch from Chicago:

To Adjutant General BAKER:  The Second Iowa acquitted themselves with great bravery at Fort Donelson, led the last and most successful charge, and have suffered terribly.  Besides the Second there were the 7th, 10th, 12th and 14th Iowa regiments in the fight.

The friends of Colonels Tuttle, Lauman, Persell, Wood and Shaw will rejoice that the glory of the fight and victory belong, and are attached to their names, and to the brave officers and soldiers under their command.

Another glorious page has been recorded in the history of Iowa, by her gallant troops in the field.  With great respect, I have the honor to rejoice in the glory of Iowa, and the triumph of Union arms.

N. B. BAKER, Adj’t General.     

The assembly immediately passed a joint resolution ordering the Governor and Adjutant General to procure flags to be presented to the Iowa Regiments, with such inscriptions thereon of their glorious achievements, as they may determine.

A joint resolution by Mr. Lane, of Scott, passed both Houses, tendering the thanks of the General Assembly and the people of Iowa, to our troops engaged at Fort Donelson, for their bravery.

A resolution was also adopted, authorizing the Governor to send three persons immediately to Cairo and Donelson, to look after our sick and wounded.  In obedience to this resolution, Gov. Kirkwood, Surgeon General Hughes and Dr. S. C. Brownell, of Des Moines, start to-morrow.

The bill restricting and defining the duties and powers of city courts was passed.

Also the bill for the issue of Auditors warrants, the particulars of which were sent yesterday.

SENATE. – Mr. WOOLSON presented a petition from the citizens of Henry county asking protection from quacks who have been appointed in the army.

Mr. Potter of Story and Mr. Esteb of Wayne, both democrats, appeared and were sworn in.

Mr. HATCH of Polk, Presented a bill to locate the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Des Moines, which was referred.

The report of the Auditing Board was received and referred.

Mr. Jennings presented a bill defining the duties of Boards of Supervisors, providing that their powers may be delegated to the Clerk of the Board and that Supervisors shall have no hand in any contracts.

T. H. S.

DES MOINES, Feb. 20.

SENATE. – The President announced a special Committee on Senatorial and Representative Districts, Mr. Gue, of Scott, as Chairman.

A special Committee of five was appointed to examine into the expenditure of the annual appropriation to the Agricultural College and Farm for seeds, &c.

Mr. McCRARY, of Lee presented a petition from the Dean of the State Medical Department, asking aid from the State.  Referred to a special Committee with Mr. Shaffer, of Jefferson as chairman.

Mr. NEAL presented a bill providing that no publication shall be made of constable sales, or sheriff sales under three hundred dollars.  Publications over that sum two weeks, at option.  Referred to the Special Committee of Five.

Mr. Smith, of Jasper, presented a bill repealing the act for the sale of the State bonds.  Referred to the committee on Ways and Means.

HOUSE. -  The House passed a resolution instructing our Congressional delegation to use their influence to have Adjutant-General Baker appointed a Brigadier General.

The Military Committee reported a bill authorizing the Governor to pay the expenses of all the wounded Iowa soldiers on their return home, out of the contingent fund.

Both Houses adjourned over to give their Railroad and Des Moines river land Committees an opportunity to hold a joint session.

Information has been received at headquarters by Gen. Baker that 38 were killed and 150 wounded in the 2nd Iowa.  The telegraph indicates that Captains Slaymaker of Davenport, and Cloutman of Ottumwa, were killed, and Major Chipman, Lieut. Holmes, of Davenport and Lieut. Ensign of Des Moines, wounded.

In the 12th Regiment were 3 killed and 24 wounded.  In the 14th regiment 6 killed and 50 wounded.  No particulars of the 7th yet received.

Senator Udel of Appanoose county, and Representative Kellogg of Decatur, accompany the Governor, besides those sent you last night.

T. H. S.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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