
Monday, March 26, 2012

Journal of the Senate of the Ninth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, March 10, 1862

The President laid before the Senate the following communication from the Mayor of the City:

DES MOINES, IOWA, March 10, 1862.


President of the Senate of Iowa
DEAR SIR: — The funeral services of N. W. Doty & T. G. Weeks, (two Brave Boys of Company D, 2d Iowa Regiment, who sacrificed their lives for their Country, at the storming of Fort Donelson,) will take place to-morrow (Tuesday) at 12 o’clock, M. Please announce this to your branch of the General Assembly. As a token of respect to the memory of these brave men, the Legislature is hereby respectfully invited to attend and take part in the ceremonies on the occasion.

An appropriate position has been assigned the Legislature in the procession, by the Committee of Arrangements.

I have the honor to be,
Respectfully yours,
IRA COOK, Mayor.

Mr. Hatch offered the following resolution which was adopted:

Resolved by the Senate, That as a mark of respect, this Senate will adjourn to attend the Funeral on to-morrow of Sergeant N. W. Doty and Theodore G. Weeks, members of Company D, Second Iowa Regiment of Iowa Volunteers, who fell while nobly defending the Flag of our Country in the gallant charge of the Iowa Second at Fort Donelson.

Mr. Woodward offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That a Committee of two be appointed by the President, to inform the City Council or other proper authorities of the foregoing resolution of the Senate.

The President announced as the Committee to communicate the action of the Senate to the City Council, Messrs. Redfield and Gray.

On motion of Mr. Holmes the Committee were authorized to make such arrangements as might be necessary.

SOURCE: Journal of the Senate of the Ninth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, Volume 9, p. 317

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