
Sunday, March 25, 2012

List of Acts Passed by the Legislature of the State of Iowa

1.     An Act assuming the collection and payment of the Quota apportioned to this State of the direct tax annually laid upon the United States, by the Act of Congress, approved August 5th, 1861, and authorizing notice thereof to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

2.     An act fixing the times for holding Courts in the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Iowa

3.     An Act to change the times of holding Courts in the Eighth Judicial District of the State of Iowa.

4.     An Act to provide for the preservation of Trout in the waters of the State.

5.     An Act to authorize the Deputy Clerk of the District Court to act instead of his principal in certain cases; and to legalize certain acts heretofore done.

6.     An Act to abolish the Board of Commissioners of the Insane Asylum.

7.     An Act to appropriate money for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers among the Iowa Volunteers.

8.     An Act legalizing certain acts of Louis Case, Notary Public.

9.     An act to confirm and legalize the acts of John W. Thompson, as a Notary Public, in and for Scott County.

10.   An Act to legalize the acts of Joseph T. Knapp, a Notary Public.

11.   An Act to repeal Chapter 80 of the laws of the 8th Session of the General Assembly, passed March 30th, 1860, entitled “An Act to provide for the establishment of a Commissioner in the City of New York, to promote immigration to the State of Iowa.”

12.   An Act to legalize the acts of certain persons therein named, in the establishing of a certain state road.

13.   An Act relating to the incorporation of the Fayette Seminary, now known as Upper Iowa University.

14.   An Act to amend An Act entitled “An Act to provide for the authentication, publication and distribution of the Acts, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Education,” passed December 19th, 1861.

15.   An Act in relation to Juror’s Fees.

16.   An Act making appropriations for the payment of the per diem of the members and officers of the Ninth General Assembly.

17.   An Act to provide for the payment of taxes, and the interest, and principal of the School fund in Treasury demand notes, issued by the authority of the Government of the United Sates, and the notes issued by the several branches of the State Bank of Iowa.

18.   An Act to legalize the levy of certain taxes for School House purposes, in District No. 2, in the District Township of Huron in Des Moines County

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 2

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