
Monday, March 12, 2012

Two Kinds – “Shaky” And Pure

A member of the Iowa House of Representatives a few days ago introduced a resolution asking congress to admit all white male persons over twenty-one, now or hereafter in our army, on being honorably discharged to exercise all the rights of citizens of the United States.

Whereupon, some Republican, overflowing with feelings of universal fraternity, moved to strike out the word “white.”  This motion was lost by a vote of 23 to 65.

The Republicans who voted with the Democracy against striking out, are called in the Hawk-Eye, Gate City and other so called Republican papers of the State, “Shaky Republicans.” –{Wapello Democratic Mercury

Judge Hendershott, whose name stands at the head of the above paper as editor, ought to have more regard for his own good name than to perpetrate a straight lie like the above.  Depraved must be the heart and brazen the front of any man who would thus mislead and deceive either from personal malignity or for political ends.  For shame Judge.  Be a man – tell the truth and shame the devil.  The Hawk-Eye has never said a word on the subject.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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