
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Curtis’ Defeat of Price

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 25. – Gen Halleck this morning telegraphed Gen. McClellan as follows:

Price’s army has been driven from his strong hold at Cross Hollow.  The enemy left his sick and such stores as he could not destroy, and burned the extensive barracks at that place to prevent our troops from occupying them.  Gen. Curtis says, most of our provisions for the last ten days have been taken from the enemy.

The Republican’s Cairo dispatch says:

The occupation of Nashville is confirmed. – Our troops took possession without opposition.  Floyd fled, as usual.

The report the Governor Harris had ordered all the Tennessee troops to lay down their arms and go home is also confirmed.

The Tennessee Legislature is called for nest Monday.

No opposition to the Union movements is made anywhere on the Cumberland.

It is reported that white flags are flying at Memphis.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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