
Thursday, April 19, 2012

David Bass

David Bass . . . at the time of the Civil war he felt that his duty to his country was paramount to all other interests and went to the front, serving for four years as a private in Company K, Sixteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He participated in a number of hotly contested engagements and on one occasion was wounded in the elbow. He died November 11, 1911, at the age of seventy-two years. The community regarded him as a representative citizen. In politics he was a stanch democrat, and his religious faith was that of the Baptist church. In early manhood he married Susan Harter, who was born in Baden, Germany, and when six years of age was brought to America. She was reared to womanhood in Ohio and then came to Boone county, where she married. At the age of seventy-one years she now lives on the old home place in Des Moines township and she is a member of the German Reformed church. Unto Mr. and Mrs. David Bass were born eight children, of whom two died in early life, while six are yet living, namely: Will M.; Mrs. Albert S. Beckett, of Des Moines township, whose husband follows farming; Mrs. Charles Ross, also of the same township; Mrs. Clark Ross, living in Estherville, Iowa; Samuel, who is single and resides on the old homestead; and Mrs. Charles Sturtz, of Des Moines township.

SOURCE: Nathan Edward Goldthwait, Editor, History of Boone County, Iowa, Volume 2, p. 635, abstracted from the biographical sketch of his son, Will M. Bass.

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