
Friday, April 6, 2012

From Cairo

CAIRO, Feb. 26. – Cairo is quiet to-day, and nothing of interest has transpired.

All military news is kept profoundly secret, and under Secretary Stanton’s orders cannot be telegraphed.

The Mortar Fleet is finished and the mechanics leave for Chicago to-night.  The gun boats are lying in the stream.

Wounded soldiers are continually passing through here on their way home.

The Ohio is rapidly rising and nearly choked up with drift wood and the current very strong.

Nothing has transpired in reference to Columbus.  Reports from rebel sources represent that a stand will be made at Columbus, Randolph and Memphis, Tennessee.

Rebel forces are constantly concentrating at Memphis, and the streets are barricaded with cotton bales.

The rumored reports of the pasification of Tennessee is denied.  Late Memphis papers contain a savage war message from Harris.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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