
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From Tennessee

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 26. – A Fort Donelson dispatch to the Democrat of yesterday says a boat just from Clarksville reports the evacuation of Nashville.

The Union citizens of that place sent a boat to Clarksville, which towed one of our gunboats for their protection.

The rebels with Gov. Harris retreated to Murfreesboro.  Harris burnt all the State documents before leaving.

Gen. Grant declared martial law over Western Tennessee, with the understanding that when a sufficient number of citizens of the State return to their allegiance and show a desire to maintain law and order over the territory, all military restriction will be withdrawn.

Postal facilities are extended to Clarksville, and the mail bags will follow the flag.

CAIRO, Feb. 25. – Our killed and wounded will be much larger than at first supposed.  McClernand’s division alone will run over 1500.

Gen. Nelson’s Ky. brigade reached Ft. Donelson on Sunday and was immediately sent forward to Nashville.  Nelson and Crittenden’s brigade had gone up the Cumberland river to join Gen. Buell.

There were many rumors in relation to Nashville, but the one generally believed was, that Gen. Buell has not occupied it, but would reach it last night.

The rebels have retreated to Murfreysboro [sic], 40 miles from Nashville, and if they do so they will make no stand there, but will retreat further. – They are destroying bridges and other facilities for transportation.  At Murfreysboro commences a range of mountains whose passes can be easily defended by the enemy.

It was reported this morning that Gen. Grant had moved his headquarters from Ft. Donelson to Clarksville.

Gen. Buell sent a letter to Gen. Grant on Saturday stating that he, Buell, would be within nine miles of Nashville on Saturday night and that there would be no resistance to his occupation of the city.

The Federal troops occupied Nashville on Sunday.  Three gun boats from Ft. Donelson are also at Nashville.

Gen. Grant went up to Nashville today with a Messenger sent to him from Gen. Buell, but he took no troops with him.

The report that Gov. Harris wished an interview with Gen. Grant is an error.  Harris has fled from Nashville to Memphis, convened the Legislature of Tennessee, and it met in that city on Saturday last.  He delivered an intense war message to the Legislature, in which he declared that Tennessee must fight to the bitter end. – This was the report of his message telegraphed to Clarksville.

Gen. Buell’s timely arrival at Nashville, undoubtedly saved the city from utter destruction as Pillow could not have saved it from his desperadoes, if a Federal force had not been in the vicinity.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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