
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Indianapolis Journal says . . .

. . . of the appointment of Hon. Joseph A. Right as U. S. Senator to succeed Bright:

The pressure on our columns this morning compels us to defer to the comments suggested by this fit and just appointment.  It is enough to say that it was demanded by the loyal men of all parties with [an] unanimity never witnessed before in reference to any appointment, that Gov. Wright’s early and uncompromising advocacy of the suppression of the rebellion at all hazards, his eminence as a citizen, and the hostility so pointedly directed at him by the late disloyal Convention, made his appointment peculiarly appropriate; and that by this act Gov. Morton and the party in power have given a guaranty of the highest character that the Union movement will be an honest, manly and fair effort to unite all loyal men and all supporters of the government in one party.  Gov. Wright will speak to-night, (Tuesday) at 7 o’clock at the Hall of the House, on the war and topics of the day connected with it.  We trust he may have a full house.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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