
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Later From Europe

PORTLAND, Feb. 27. – The steamship Hibernia from Liverpool 13th, via Londonderry 14th, arrived this P. M.

American affairs had been debated in the House of Lords, and papers relative to the blockade of the Southern ports were promised shortly by Earl Russell.

Breadstuffs are still declining, except wheat, which was quiet, but steady.  Provisions dull.

Consols 92 7/8@93 for money.

European political news generally unimportant.

(Latest via Londonderry.)

Liverpool, Feb. 14. – Breadstuffs, steady, Provisions declining.

Consols 93½ for money.

The Etna for New York was detained till the 13th.

Sales of cotton in Liverpool market for the three days including Wednesday were 20,000 bales.  Market firmer with upward tendency, but prices were without change.

Breadstuffs still declining, except wheat which was quiet but steady.  Provisions dull.

Consuls 92 7/8 @ 93 for money.

(Latest via Londonderry)

Liverpool, Feb. 14. – Cotton Sales for the week, 54,000 bales; market closing unchanged, but firmer.  Sales to-day 12,000 bales.

Breadstuffs steady.  Provisions declining.

Consuls 93 1/8 for money.

The Hibernia’s dates are five days later than those already at hand.

GREAT BRITAIN. – Parliament was discussing American affairs.  In the House of Lords on the 10th inst. Earl Carnarvon said he had received information that no less than three British subjects were confined in the prisons of the Federal Government and had lain there for months denied a trial or their release unless they took an oath of allegiance to the United States.  He hoped that the Government would take earnest steps in the case and at once declare what was to be the position of British subjects in the Federal States.

Earl Russell said that Lord Carnarvon could hardly have read the papers which had been laid on the table, or if he had he would have seen that these cases had been brought under the notice of the Government; neither had he made allowance for the peculiar state of affairs in the United States, which justified urgent measures.  In England Parliament had given Government in times of difficulty, authority to arrest persons on suspicion, and it had to be frequently done without their being brought to trial.

The Government had complained of the arbitrary manner in which these arrests have been made by the sole authority of the President without Legislative sanction.  He was not disposed to defend the acts of the U. S. Government.  Congress had decided that the prerogative belonged to the President, and if he believed that the parties were engaged in treasonable conspiracies as alleged, he (Russell,) did not see how Her Majesty’s Government could interfere with a practice which was absolutely necessary although it was exercised with unnecessary harshness.

The American Government alleged they had undoubted proof of the complicity of these persons in conspiracies.  This Her Majesty’s Government was not in a position to contradict but they had entered a strong remonstrance against the manner in which the arrests were made and prisoners treated, and in their case would be earnestly watched by them.

Earl Malmsbury in asking for the papers connected with the blockade, complained that the Times had deliberately represented that Earl Derby advocated its being forcibly raised, he approved the conduct of the Government, and the question was one for them alone to decide but it was desirable to know what was the real state of the blockade.  He expressed doubts of the policy of the declaration of Paris in 1856, and did not believe they would or could be carried out in great wars when circumstances would be too strong for abstract principles.

Earl Russell said that on the first night, he was glad to find the noble Earl opposite, had approved of the conduct of the Government, and the country must feel confidence when all its leading men agreed.  The papers were now being printed.  They would be in their Lordship’s hands before long.  He hoped they would reserve their opinions till then, considering the importance of the question.

In the House of Commons, on the 10th inst., Mr. Cobden gave notice that at an early day he intended to bring under the consideration of the House the state of international and maritime law, as it effects the rights of belligerents.

An order had been received at Portsmouth to reduce the number of men and guns of the ships of war in commission.

The London Daily News reviews the engagement at Mill Springs, Ky., as a genuine and important Federal success, and thinks if it may reasonably hope that the Federal troops engaged in it may be taken as a representative specimen if the Union army as it has become under McClellan, and the result of rapid and decisive action cannot be doubted.

The diplomatic correspondence concerning the intervention in Mexico had been laid before Parliament.  Earl Russell in a late letter to Sir Charles Wyke touching the rumor that the Arch Duke Maximilian will be called to the throne of Mexico says if the Mexican people by a spontaneous movement place the Austrian Arch Duke on the throne there is nothing in the convention to prevent it.  On the other hand we could be no party to forcible intervention for this purpose.

FRANCE. – Paris letters say that Mr. Slidell had been received by M. Thovenal in a private capacity; his diplomatic assumption of character being distinctly ignored.

Paris Bourse dull.  Rentes were quoted at 71f 25c.

The Cotton manufacturers at Genoa, who employ upwards of 25,000 hands, held a meeting to consider means of alleviating the effects of the present crisis in the cotton trade..  A committee was appointed to report on the matter.

The January mails from the coast of Africa had reach England.  Increased activity in the slave trade was reported.  The withdrawal of the American squadron led immediately to a large increase of the number of vessels carrying the American flag.

A bark from New York, but sailing under British colors, had been seized in the Roads off Cape Coast, on the suspicion that she was a slaver.

(Latest via Londonderry.)

Liverpool, Feb. 13, p.m. – It was intended to dispatch the steamer Great Eastern for New York in April.

The London Times of the 13th published further correspondence from Russell from New York.  In it the writer says the army of the Potomac is not likely to move till the winter is over, and that  a mutinous spirit prevailed among the men, many of whom are better off than ever they were, and that the various expeditions by sea had so far accomplished nothing of moment.

The affair in Kentucky he regards as the greatest success yet achieved by the Federals.

A great popular demonstration took place and Genoa on Sunday, the 9th inst., in favor of Victor Emanuel and Rome as the capital of Italy.

At Milan, on the same day, preparations had been made for a demonstration, but the municipality issued a notice that such demonstrations were useless, and advising the Milanese to exercise their constitutional rights by signing the following protest:

Although respecting the Sovereign Pontiff of Rome as the head of the Church, we look upon Rome as the Capital of Italy, with one King, Victor Emanuel.

The protest soon received an immense number of signatures.

Letters from Vienna are filled with most lamentable accounts of the inundation.  The district submerged in Vienna alone comprises a population of 80,000 persons to be provided for.  The rain fell for four days, almost without intermission.  Bridges and viaducts were destroyed and the railroad service was nearly all suspended.  Several towns were also inundated by the Danube, including Presburg and Pesth.

The Times in an editorial on Burnside’s expedition says the force is plainly inadequate to the service expected, and if Burnside wishes success he will entrench himself, establish a good base of operations and await reinforcements before running the risk of penetrating the enemy’s country.

The great exhibition building in London as delivered up to the Commissioners by the contractors.  It was virtually completed at noon on the 12th inst, as stipulated in the contract.

(Very Latest.)

Liverpool, Feb. 13. – London Money Market – The funds on Thursday closed firmer.  Consols 93@93½.  American securities unaltered.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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