
Thursday, April 12, 2012

McClellan's Amry Impatient

The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald telegraphed on Thursday that –

“A few days of such warm sunshine and strong southerly winds as prevail today will dry up the roads across the river.  Our Potomac army had with delight these [meteorological] changes, giving promise of an advance movement, to which they have long been looking forward with earnest hope and expectancy.  Lying passive so long in winter quarters, and having now no hand in accomplishing the splendid victories daily crowning the Union armies along the Southern frontiers and the South and West, is deeply galling to them.  A belief that to them will be entrusted the honor of giving the final deathblow to the rebellion, and the chance to win victories and glory before the war ends, alone inspire them in awaiting the coveted opportunity to signalize their patriotism on the battle field.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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