
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mistakes Of Our Generals

We feel bound to express our regret at the injudicious and extraordinary zeal of our commanders.  General Lander, for instance, has recently marched his brigade forty miles, when the roads were not in a condition to allow any military movement.  It is well known that the roads in Virginia are wholly impassable, and that our main army is shut in by this cause near the Capital.  General Lander’s indiscretion ought to be rebuked.  Cannot some charges be got up against him?  Don’t he drink sometimes?  He must surely be intoxicated to drive the rebels into the snow at this inclement season.

Then there is Buell, too.  He seems to be insubordinate – moving direct upon Bowling Green with eighty thousand men, through snow and rain and mud; he does not stop to discipline his troops all winter, nor wait for more artillery.  Something will happen to him one of these days, unless he takes care; and then there will be trouble.  Buell should be placed under arrest at once, especially as we hear that he swears sometimes – particularly at needless, injurious and expensive delays.

Grant is another of these reckless Generals.  He too seems infected with the same disease of preternatural activity.  Not only does he move in the mud, regardless of cleanliness and propriety, but assails directly a strong fortified position and carries it.  There is no knowing where this restless zeal will carry him.

It is understood, however, that charges are to be presented against him for allowing Floyd to escape.  There is some hope, therefore that he too may be brought under, and things may move on more judiciously again.  As they are going now, there is great reason to fear that the war may be ended before our troops are fully disciplined to meet the enemy, and before the roads will permit them to move. –{N. Y. Evening Post.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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