
Friday, April 6, 2012

More Good News from General Curtis’ Division

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27. – Gen. Halleck forwarded to Gen. McClellan to-day the following cheering dispatch:

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27.

To Maj. Gen. McCLELLAN, Washington:

Gen. Curtis has taken possession of Fayetteville, Arkansas, capturing a number of prisoners, stores, baggage, &c.  The enemy burnt a part of the town before they left.  They have crossed the Boston mountains in great confusion.  We are now in possession of all their strongholds.

Forty-two officers and men of the 5th Missouri cavalry were poisoned at Mudtown, by eating poisoned food which the rebels left behind them.

The gallant Captain Dolfert died, and Lieut. Col. Van Deutch and Capt. Lehmon are suffering much, but are recovering.

The indignation of our soldiers is very great but they have been restrained from retaliating upon the prisoners of war.

H. W. HALLECK, Major General.

CROSS HOLLOW, Arkansas, via ST. LUKE, Mo., Feb. 27.  Our army is waiting for supplies and will not be likely to move for 10 or 12 days.

Price and McCulloch are beyond the Boston mountains.

Our troops took possession of Fayetteville, at 11 A. M., yesterday.  The ruins of the town were smoking when the troops entered.

The rebels are badly demoralized.  A Louisiana and a Texas regiment are with McCulloch.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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