
Thursday, April 12, 2012

A newly imported old Welshman . . .

. . . out in Wisconsin was persuaded to go to church on Sunday.  As soon as the minister, who had a long beard, began his first prayer, the old man was seen to weep.  He also shed tears during the second prayer, and at the benediction the old man almost blubbered out.  On leaving church one of the deacons said to him – “Friend Griffiths, you seems to be much affected with the minister’s prayer to-day?”  “Vell no, I tink you be mistaken; I no understand vot he say much.”  “Why, then, did you shed tears?” – “O, dear sir, it’s because when he puts up his fact to bray, he makes me tink of one beautiful goat I used to have in de old gundree; and de poor cretur died and was worth dree guineas.  Oh, I can’t help cryin’ ven I tink of her!”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3

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