
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Order in regard to Telegraphic War News


War Department, Washington, Feb. 25.

Ordered, That from and after February 26th, the President, by virtue of an act of Congress takes military possession of all the Telegraph Lines in the United States.

Second – All telegraphic communications in regard to military operations, not expressly authorized by the War Department, the General Commanding, or the Generals Commanding armies in the field, in the several Departments, are absolutely forbidden.

Third – All newspapers publishing military news, however obtained, and not authorized by official authority, will be excluded thereafter from receiving information by telegraph, or from transmitting their papers by railroad.

Fourth – E. S. Sanford is made Military Supervisor of Telegraphic Messages throughout the United States, and Anson Stager Military Superintendent of all the Telegraphic Lines and offices in the United States.

Fifth – This is not intended to interfere in any way with the ordinary business of companies or private business.  By order of the President.


– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 1, 1862, p. 3 

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