
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Victor Balluff

VICTOR BALLUFF, a veteran of the late war and a leading farmer of Cass Township, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, September 11,1842. His father, F. Conrad Balluff, was a mechanic by trade, and in 1848 emigrated to America, settling in Erie County, N. Y., where he bought a small tract of land. In 1856 he removed west to Iowa and located upon the farm now owned by our subject. Here his death occurred at the advanced age of ninety-two years in December, 1893. His wife died in New York State in 1853.

There were nine children in the parental family, all of whom attained years of maturity, and four are now living. Margaret is the wife of John Putz, a farmer and cooper of Elkport, Clayton County. John P., who died in Clayton County in February, 1881, was a soldier in the Union army, being a member of Company H. Sixteenth Iowa Infantry. He participated in a number of the leading engagements of the Rebellion and accompanied Sherman on the march to the sea. At Iuka he was taken prisoner and for fifty-nine days was confined in Andersonville. At the expiration of four years' service in the army he was honorably discharged. Theresa, who died in 1879, was the wife of W. Hammer, a farmer of Delaware County. Hannah died unmarried in 1886. Timothy passed away in 1868. Josephine married Sebastian Putz and lives in Warren County, Iowa. Joseph passed from earth in 1890. Mary Amelia, the wife of Jacob Miller, lives near York in Delaware County.

When the family emigrated to the United States our subject was a child of six years. The eight succeeding years were passed in New York, and thence he came to Iowa in 1856. In the schools of Strawberry Point he was for some time a student, and by his fellow-students was given the nickname of "Professor" on account of the fact that one day when his teacher was giving instruction in German he reached a point beyond which he could not go, and young Balluff made the necessary explanation for the teacher and other pupils. In his studies he was keen and quick, and the information gained in the common schools has been supplemented by self-culture and close observation.

When the war broke out, Mr. Balluff was cultivating the home farm. With the enthusiasm of youth he was desirous of enlisting at once in his country's service, but his father forbade him. However, in 1864 his name was enrolled as a member of Company H, Sixteenth Iowa Infantry, and in that regiment he served until the close of the war. He accompanied General Sherman on the march to the sea and participated in the Grand Review at Washington. He was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., and honorably discharged at Davenport, Iowa.

In August, 1866, Mr. Balluff married Miss Mary Mullen, a native of Hancock County, I1l., and they have ten daughters and one son. Alma, formerly a school teacher, is now the wife of Fred Everet, a farmer of Delaware County. Amelia married M. J. Everet, also a farmer in Delaware County. Francis was educated in the Business Department of Upper Iowa University, and now aids his father in the management of the farm. Josephine is a teacher in the public schools. Gertrude, Nettie, Jane, Estella, Eva, Georgia and Susan are with their parents.

After tilling the soil in Clayton and Fayette Counties, Mr. Balluff in the year 1882 bought the old homestead, and here he has since resided. As an agriculturist he is energetic and efficient, and his place bears evidence of the thrift of the proprietor. The farm buildings are commodious and substantial, well adapted to their varied uses. He has given his entire attention to his farm, never aspiring to public office. However, he is a staunch Democrat and always supports the enterprises and measures of his party. Socially he is identified with the Grand Army of the Republic.

SOURCE: Portrait And Biographical Record Of Dubuque, Jones And Clayton Counties, Iowa, Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1894, p. 428-9

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