
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Forward Movement on the Upper Potomac

CHARLESTON, V., March 2. – The main body of Gen. Banks’ division rests in the vicinity of Charlestown.  No accident has occurred since the concentration at and departure from Sandy Hook to cause any anxiety to the friends at home.  Three inches of snow fell today.

The hitherto rank secessionists now pay marked respect to the Federal troops.

The citizens who have been compelled to succumb to Rebel force are elated with the prospects of the future.

It is gratifying to perceive that the country through which the army marches, the marks of the usual agricultural industry.  It is apparent that the future cereal crops of this prolific region have not been neglected.  As may be supposed the country is destitute of imported articles of consumption, but there is no lack of bread, meat and coarse clothing.

Hundreds of contrabands are hourly seeking refuge within our lines, but they are all allowed run at large with no supervision or care – in fact but little notice is taken of them, except to prevent their return beyond our post.

The general reports from Winchester are conflicting and but little reliance can be lace on them, coming as they do from refugees and contrabands.

The Military Commanders are evidently better informed than the public and are consequently prepared for any emergency which may arise.

Considerable flour and other contraband articles belonging to the rebel army have been seized, but private property has been strictly respected.

Martinsburg has been occupied by the Union troops and their action approved by General McClellan.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 8, 1862, p. 3

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