
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

John R. Shearer

SHEARER, J. R. — Farmer, section 19, P. O. Polk City. Was born in Wayne county, Kentucky, July 15, 1834, and when seven years of age moved with his parents to Missouri. For three years he was engaged in teaching school, and then commenced farming, which he has continued to the present time. In the fall of 1854 he came to this county, and now owns 147 acres of land. In January, 1863, enlisted during the war in company D, Sixteenth Iowa infantry, and served until its close, when he was mustered out, and then returned home. He was married in this county December 28, 1854, to Miss Lucinda Runnion. They have a family of six children living: William M., Nancy C., Mary S., Luella L., A. Lincoln and Rachel G. Lost two, Curtis W. and James.

SOURCE: Union Historical Company, The History of Polk County, Iowa, p. 1033-4

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