
Sunday, May 6, 2012

News from Nashville

WASHINGTON, March 8 – The Secretary of the Navy received a letter to-day dated Cairo, Feb. 27th from Flag Officer Foote which says:

“I have the honor to forward a communication from Lieut. Bryant, the substance of which I have just telegraphed.  The captain of the steamer which brings the dispatch says, that 6 miles below Nashville there was a battery which mounted 15 guns but several of them were thrown into the river before the cars arrived. – He also reports that a strong union feeling was manifested at and near Nashville and that Gov. Harris after vainly attempting to rally the citizens and others left Sunday morning for Memphis.  He also states that the gunboats were welcomed by the people at Nashville and other points on the Cumberland river.  They state hearing of my arrival, they supposed the men would proceed immediately to Nashville.”

The following is the enclosure in Flag Officer Foote’s letter:

NASHVILLE, Feb. 25, [1862]

To Flag Officer A. H. Foote Commanding

Uncertain whether my letter of the 23d inst., reached you, I repeat that I departed from Clarksville for this point by the request of Brig. Gen. Smith, commanding at Clarksville.  I arrived here this evening preceded by seven steam boats conveying an army commanded by Brig. Gen. Nelson.  The troops landed without opposition.  The banks of the river are free from hostile forces.  The Railroad bridges are all destroyed.  Very Respectfully yours,

Lieut. Comd’g

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 8, 1862, p. 3

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