
Monday, May 7, 2012

Washington News

WASHINGTON, March 2. – It is now said to be clearly understood between the allied powers that a monarchy will be the result of the present invasion of Mexico.  Notwithstanding assurances given the United States that they did not have any political object there, it is believed they will say the monarchy will be extended by the free will of the Mexican people, just as the empire was established in France.

The War Department refuses to transmit any letters to Southern States.

Reports received from all the military departments the past week represent the condition of troops as very good and having a patriotic desire for action.

Major General Hitchcock declines his appointment on the ground of ill health not permitting him to perform his duties.

Gen. Lander died to-day at Pawpaw Western Virginia, from dysentery, exposure and wounds received at Edwards Ferry.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 8, 1862, p. 3

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