
Saturday, June 30, 2012

From Cairo

CHICAGO, March 13. – Special dispatches to the Post from Cairo 12th, say matters are little changed.

A lieutenant of the 60th Ohio arrived to-day from New Madrid.  His intelligence is not permitted to be telegraphed.  No change in matters at Fort Henry and beyond.

The Times’ special says the steamer Southwestern arrived to-day with troops.

Gen. Cullom left this morning for St. Louis.  Gen. Strong has taken command of this post.

(Tribune’s Special.)

Capt. Blodgett, of Boston has been assigned the command of the [Conestoga], retiring Capt. Pritchard.

The bodies of the 27 killed at Fort Donelson were brought down to-day, and will be sent to their friends to-morrow morning.  Part of them belong to Col. Logan’s regiment.  Col. Logan is improving.

It is reported that Gen. Paine was wounded in a skirmish near Sikestown, Mo., yesterday p. m., not seriously.

Several sick of the 7th Iowa came down from Fort Donelson this morning.  Their regiment has suffered severely in several engagements.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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