
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Washington Items

WASHINGTON, March 11. – Dispatches from Fortress Monroe report all quite at that point.

No further intelligence obtained about the Merrimac’s injuries.  She reached Norfolk Sunday evening.

There is evidence that the enemy left Manassas two weeks ago.

Reports from Winchester state that the forces under Gen. Williams had returned from the reconnoissance, and had reached there that evening without serious opposition.

WASHINGTON, March 11. – Large numbers of contrabands have entered our lines which now extend beyond Manassas Junction and are still coming in by dozens.

The earth-works at Centerveille were greatly misrepresented.  They were not of the formidable character supposed.  The enemy previous to evacuating injured them by blowing up the embrasures and casemates.

On our troops arriving at Fairfax Court House the soldiers rushed in to the court house and brought away some of the records, but these being discovered the officers directed them to be returned.

When our troops learned that Manassas had been evacuated their spirits suddenly became depressed as they had anticipated a spirited conflict with the enemy.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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