
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Battle in Arkansas!

Price, McCulloch, Van Dorn and Frost Defeated.


ST. LOUIS, March 11. – The following is Gen. Curtis’ official report of the battle in Arkansas:

PEA RIDGE, ARK., March 9, 1862.

To Major General Halleck:

General:  On Thursday, the 6th inst., the enemy commenced an attack on my right, assailing and following the rear guard of the detachment under Gen. Sigel to near the main lines on Sugar Creek Hollow.  He ceased firing when he met my reinforcements about 4 P. M.  During the night I heard by scouts that he had marched on so as to attack my right in the rear, therefore early on the 7th I ordered a change of front to the right and my right, which thus became my left, still rested on Sugar Creek Hollow. – This brought my line across Pea Ridge, with my new right resting on the head of Cross Timber Hollow, which is the head of Big Sugar Creek.  Also ordered an immediate advance of Cavalry and light artillery under Col. Osterhouse, with orders to attack and break what I supposed would be a reinforced line of the enemy.

This movement was in progress when the enemy at 11 a. m., commenced an attack on my right.  The fight continued mainly at these points during the day.  The enemy having gained a point hotly contested by Col. Carr at Cross Timber Hollow, but was entirely repulsed with the fall of their commander, Gen. McCulloch, in the charge of our forces under Col. Davis.  The plan of attack on the centre was gallantly carried forward by Col. Ostrahouse [sic] who was sustained by Col. Davis and the entire division; also by Gen. Sigel’s command which had remained till almost the close of the day on the left.  Col. Carr’s division held the right under a galling and continuous fire all day.

In the evening, the firing having entirely ceased in the centre and there having been none on the left, I reinforced the right by a portion of the second division under Gen. Asboth.  Before the day closed I was convinced that the enemy had concentrated his main force on my right.  I therefore commenced another change of my front, formed so as to face the enemy, when he deployed on my right flank in strong position.  The change had been only partly effected but was fully in progress, when at sunrise on the 7th my right and centre renewed firing along the whole extent of the line, my left, under Gen. Sigel, moved close to the hills occupied by the enemy, driving him from the heights, advancing slowly towards the head of the hollow.

I immediately ordered the center and right wings forward, the right turning the left of the enemy, and cross fired on his center.  This position enclosed the enemy in an area of a circle.  A charge of infantry extending throughout the whole line completely routed the whole rebel force which retired in great confusion but rather safely, through the deep and impassable defiles of Cross Timber.

Our loss is heavy; the enemy’s loss can never be ascertained, for the dead are scattered over a large field, and their wounded too, may many of them be lost and perish.  They are scattered in all directions; but I think his main wing has returned to Benton Mountains.

Gen. Sigel follows towards Kirtsville, while my cavalry is pursuing him towards the mountains, scouring the country and bringing in prisoners.

Major General Van Dorn had command of the entire force at this battle of Pea Ridge.

I have not as yet the statements of the dead and wounded so as to justify a dispatch, but I will refer you to a dispatch that I will forward very soon.  The officers and soldiers in this command have displayed such unusual gallantry, I hardly dare to make any distinction.  I must however name all of my commanders of divisions.  Gen. Sigel who gallantly carried the heights and drove back the left wing of the enemy.  Brig. Gen. Asboth who was wounded in the arm in his gallant effort to reinforce the right.  Colonel and Acting Brigadier General Davis who commanded the centre when McCullough fell on the 7th, and pressed forward the centre on the 8th.  Col. And Acting Brig. Gen. E. Carr, who was also wounded in the arm and was under the continuous fire of the enemy during the two hardest days of the struggle.  Also commanders of brigades, Cols. Dodge, Osterhause and Vandever; while that of Schiffer and Grupel were distinguished for their gallantry  For that of others I must refer to the reports of commanders.  I must also tender my thanks to my staff officers, Capts. J. S. McKenny, A. A. Adj’t., Capt. McStark, and Capt. John A. Hale and Field, and Lieuts. J. M. Adams and Stills, all acting aids, and Lieut. Hooper, my only engineer officer.

All the staff officers did gallant service in carrying orders and aiding in their prompt execution.

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio and Missouri may proudly share the honor of the Victory which their gallant heroes won over the combined forces of Van Dorn, price and McCullough at Pea Ridge, in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas.

I have the honor to be, General,

Your obedient servant,

Brigadier General.

A special to the St. Louis Democrat from Sugar Creek, says after a contest of three days duration, we have beaten the enemy at Sugar Creek Hollow.  Their forces consisted of Van Dorn’s, Price’s, McCullough and Frost’s commands, and were forced to retreat in wild confusion, with the loss of a considerable number of cannon, flour, muskets, ammunition, caissons, &c., &c.

Their forces are variously estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000.  McCulloch is ascertained to be mortally wounded, as well as McIntosh and Rector.  The latter is a son of the Governor of Arkansas.  McRae and a number of other persons are prisoners in our hands, and a large number of the rank and file.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 4

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